Chevy VS Cadillac…In The Saddle World

1visionsolutionsProducts2 Comments

"Quality in a service or product is not what you put into it. It is what the client or customer gets out of it."Peter DruckerWe've all heard it before... "I don't want to ride a 'trophy saddle'". "I want the Tod, the actual Tod Slone saddle!" There are so many misconceptions and questions regarding the differences between our Diamond ... Read More

Trophy Saddles – Getting The Most BANG For Your $Buck$

1visionsolutionsUncategorized4 Comments

When a rodeo association spends approximately $20,000 on trophy saddles alone, it is serious business. Awards committee members lose sleep over their decisions trying to make all contestants and their parents happy. They go cross-eyed looking at bid after bid that appears to be written in a foreign language of ½ breed this and combo-tooled that. To say it is ... Read More

The Old School VS. The Truth On Dry Spots

1visionsolutionsAbout Your Horse3 Comments

“I’m not trying to be new school & I’m not old school - I’m classic. There’s a lot of new cars & there’s a lot of old cars, but I’m just classic in doing what I do.” LL Cool JThe "old school" says dry spots on a horses back are bad. This is not necessarily so... A dry spot is a place ... Read More